Want to learn more about how one company was able to expand its hydrogen capabilities? Join us for our latest webinar featuring Dr. Jeffrey Goldmeer and special guests from Long Ridge Energy.
Learn how the generator “bubble” from the early ‘90s and the projected power demands of the future are making planning ahead more important than ever, especially when it comes to your generator maintenance.
Join our webinar and Q&A hosted by our FieldCore CEO Amir Hafzalla where we’ll discuss lessons learned, season highlights and new innovative technologies.
As a plant manager, can you continue to reduce emissions and maintain profitability and reliability? Join our webinar with Jay Bryant to see how you can get the most out of your 7E.
Our scalable, site-ready turbines can address energy gaps and yield huge value for municipalities and co-ops. Learn how GE’s gas power technology solutions can benefit smaller power producers.
Operators and plant managers are experiencing rapid change as the evolving energy landscape impacts their power plants' operating profiles. The ability to adapt and be flexible is key to remaining relevant.
Join co-hosts Dr. Jeff Goldmeer and Brian Gutknecht for the latest season of the Cutting Carbon podcast that looks at our climate policy from various international perspectives.
Download the latest GE Gas Power catalog to explore our latest products and services, and discover our extensive experience across a broad spectrum of applications and customers.
Power plants built 20 years ago weren't optimized to achieve the operational goals of today and physics and financial challenges of the near-future. So, how can we prepare?
See how GE Gas Power is helping to build a world that works.
While the energy industry continues to prepare for the future of decarbonization, in addition to preparing for a hydrogen society, could CCS be a viable option?
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Join co-hosts Dr. Jeff Goldmeer and Brian Gutknecht for the latest season of the Cutting Carbon podcast that looks at our climate policy from various international perspectives.
Download the latest GE Gas Power catalog to explore our latest products and services, and discover our extensive experience across a broad spectrum of applications and customers.
Power plants built 20 years ago weren't optimized to achieve the operational goals of today and physics and financial challenges of the near-future. So, how can we prepare?
See how GE Gas Power is helping to build a world that works.
While the energy industry continues to prepare for the future of decarbonization, in addition to preparing for a hydrogen society, could CCS be a viable option?
About 30% of reported operational issues in GT13E2 fleets concern operational reliability, requests for maintenance optimization, and start-up consistency. Our dynamic operation and maintenance (O&M) upgrades can be customized to solve these issues—and add power output value to your turbines.
Nobody knows your equipment like we do. Born from 30 years of turbine experience and a focus on your productivity, our series of gas turbine upgrade packages can tackle common-to-complex running challenges. With 50+ operational improvements to choose from, we can tailor an O&M upgrade that widens your GT13E2 turbine’s availability and increases its staying power.
175 units installed around the world
We can help you improve reliability, fuel flexibility, and load turndown—while reducing OpEx and outage time for your GT13E2 gas turbine. Composed of 50+ smaller upgrades, our packages are the result of decades of innovation and lessons learned with customers like you.
Reduction of outage time by 3 – 13 days with simplified adjustments of radial rotor positioning.
Reduce the number of minor service events over 144 k EOH.
Prevent hot gas path forced outages for FOD/DOD*, saving unit downtime and >$1M per event.
Simplify periodic maintenance and reduce waste and costs with improved asset lifetime.
To simplify the approach to these upgrades we’ve packaged multiple, related solutions in seven categories. Since “one size fits all” fixes rarely exist, every single solution is available as stand-alone, to ease integration with your own running configuration. Whether it’s about outdated parts needing replacement, start-up snags, or service opportunities, you’ll get visibility on what your gas turbine needs.
Since not every owner of a GT13E2 gas turbine faces identical challenges, we monitor and study our fleets, turning unique customer concerns into actionable information. Our collected analytics have made the most commonly encountered challenges visible. With that, the potential of your GT13E2 turbine is even greater.
With its reliability exceeding 98.9%**, robust engineering, proven agility, and leading intervals in the E-Class space, your GT13E2 is ready for enhancement through 50+ custom solutions to choose from.
Our GT13E2 operational reliability packages improve daily reliability, enhance dynamic response to grid disturbances, and can prevent FOD/DOD forced outages.
Introduces fast-start capability, “Maximum Continuous Load” mode, and enhanced frequency response mode
Reduces your number of failed starts
Relaxes your service intervals, enabling faster and less expensive maintenance
Improves the reliability of the blow-off-valves, higher start-up reliability, less PLS and trips events and ODC count
Makes pedestal adjustment easier, relays pressure readings to HMI, reduces chances of fire in the bearing tunnel, and improves white metal temperature and load distribution
Improves availability and reliability during operation and restart phases, reducing the duration of maintenance
This team of service engineers is ready to use its vast experience to resolve your power plant issues big and small—expected or unexpected—locally and globally, with world-class execution.
GE’s GT13E2 MXL2 upgrade, designed to be compatible with all installed GT13E2 units, combines GE’s latest technology developments with more than 10 million operating hours of GT13E2 fleet experience.
GE’s AEV Burner employs a new continuous fuel variation concept as the basis for more flexible and reliable operation as demand increases.
*Foreign Object Damages/Domestic Object Damages **Average reliability over three years on population of units with accessible data
GE Gas Power engineers cleaner, more accessible energy that communities depend on to power growth and prosperity.
See how GE Gas Power is helping to build a world that works.